Dos camungas investimentos is a legal apointed campany to represent Rosen Group and Ultraspec-NDT Services in Mozambique.

Helth, Safety, Enviromental, Quality and Well Being

Our Safety System has been developed to meet or exceed all applicable Government and Client Standards, By partnering with industry Leaders in behavioral Safety. Our system utilizes latest technology to ensure all Branches have a high safety standard as a Culture, our crews are well trained, dedicated, employees understand they rights and responsibility to work safely Everday to archive a Benchmark in safety culture. We encourage our work team to practice Safety everywhere.

Our goal as a brand in the market is to unit in performance, inspiring by inovation our clients and stake holders, Dos Camungas Investimentos is a dedicated partner, our clients have a passionet team that supports them in a sustainability, efficient and safe way. No challenge is too big for our curiosity and percistence to encrease productivity, safety and sustenability.

  • Client Satisfation
  • Ethic and transparence in our business relations
  • We value and care for those who make our company

No challenge is too big for our curiosity and percistence to encrease productivity, safety and sustenability.


Bring up soluctions with our services to our clients, by providing quality and excelence in our services delivery, achieve sustainable use of our resources with highest business integrity.


We challenge our way of working, thinking and acting to find new and sustainable solution in a rapidly world, become and remain first mind-first choice of our customer and stack holders


- Client satisfation
- Ethic and transparence in our business relations
- We value and care for those who make our company
- Inovation, inspiration, commitment and colaboration are one of competitive advantages that help us to mantain and inspire our position of leadership in a changing enviroment